Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moon Sand

You know how it goes... the kids are watching cartoons and every commercial comes on and it is the chance for them to tell you how much they want this and how much they need that. My kids are that way too - it gets old really quick! Last winter their obsession was moon sand and while my sister was nice enough to get it for her kids for Christmas she didn't think that it was worth the money... So, when I found this recipe on pinterest I thought that I would give it a shot. Not that exciting to me either, but the kids have played with it continuously since I made it and while it is kind of messy, it is pretty easy to clean up. The next batch that we make will include a bit more baby oil since I didn't feel like this was quite sticky enough.

Moon Sand
(found on pinterest - no link included)

8 cups flour
1 cup baby oil

Mix ingredients together and play!

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